2019 Jerry Dunlop Award Recipient
Kris Wheaton is a fourth generation barbershopper from Louisville, KY. She joined her first chorus, Pride of Kentucky (SAI), at the age of 13. As a member of Pride of Kentucky she competed on the international stage eight times, placing as high as third!
Throughout her teenage years, Kris sang in a couple of chapter quartets but didn’t make it to the quartet competition stage until the age of 22. In her first competitive quartet, Kris found 2 regional championships and 4 International appearances with Lucky Day. In 2012, Kris joined Harmony Inc and began singing with Spot On. They qualified for international at the Area 4 competition the following June, and there she found Bluegrass Harmony Chorus. Kris immediately joined BH and became the chorus’ first Harmony Queen with Spot On in 2013. Kris also had the chance to sing in a quartet with her mother in 2016, called Charmed. She recently sang and competed with Infinity (SAI) and currently sings with Fierce (HI 3rd place 2019). Believe it or not, there is more to life than singing for Kris. She works for the University of Louisville as a Lead Facilitator at the Early Learning Campus. Most importantly, Kris is mom to Xander, Nate and Vera, our littlest fans! Kris is so excited to be a part of Bluegrass Harmony in any capacity. Being trusted as the musical director is a job she cares deeply about, and will strive to be the best she can be for the wonderful women she serves!” |